
Pak quality weapons for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Pak quality weapons for Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
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Published on 6 July 2015

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Pak replaces all firearms and more quality. Pomegranate also with HD quality and the sound of the explosion.
Colt Python 357. Magnum-Replaces the game: S&W Magnum 27
Winchester M1912 Trench Gun-replaces the game: pump-action shotgun
Smith Wesson Model 442 &-replaces the game: Colt detective
Thompson submachine gun of the year 1928 sample Replaces the game: Thompson 1928
Colt M1911-replaces the game: Colt 1911
Springfield sniper rifle M1903A2-replaces the game: Mosin-Nagant 1891/30
Gewehr 98 Mauser rifle-replaces the game: Springfield M1903 Rifle
Pomegranate from half-life-replaces the game: the pomegranate.
Sawed-Off Shotgun from GTA 4-the game replaces: sawed-off shotgun

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