
EPM v 1.6 for GTA 4

EPM v 1.6 for GTA 4
EPM v1.6 for GTA 4 miniature 1
EPM v1.6 for GTA 4 video 1
EPM v1.6 for GTA 4 miniature 2 EPM v1.6 for GTA 4 miniature 3 EPM v1.6 for GTA 4 miniature 4
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Published on 2 December 2012

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EPM for EFLC update & GTA IV. The famous script modification that allows you to manage the moving parts of your vehicle or aircraft. EPM SOLUTION works with all patches GTA IV, but officially it is recommended to use only fourth or sixth. Operability with the latest patch for EFLC verified. Changes in v1.6: the final and latest version of the script modification EPM This version fixes a performance problem and reduced the script size; Other changes were not documented. The amount you should have 30 and 29 points. Blank lines should not. Hot keys: Make sure that you have enabled NumLock on the keyboard. In the game, press Numlock (Numpad) 0 for automatic mode and Numlock (Numpad) 1 for manual mode. If the value is set to 1, debug debugging information will also be shown. The values in the .ini file: (0) car = hash is a unique value for each car in the game. (see step 4) (1) ID = what part of the car's doors will manage the bot. (2) opening speed = the speed with which a part of the vehicle in miles per hour (value must be less than or more than the closing speed, but not the same) * (ALTERNATIVE 2) = doors-ID (clone) when it is used with the door Switch (22) (3) the closing speed = the speed with which closes part of car in km/h (the value must be less than or more than the opening speed, but not the same) (4) opening with hotkey = opening of the car by pressing a specific key (5) Closes with hotkey = closing part the car by pressing a specific key (6) on/off. hotkeys = (1 or 0) to use hotkeys (7) on/off. speed sensor = (1 or 0) to use speed sensor (8) on/off. use the spoiler as a brake = (default 0) use the spoiler as a brake (9) on/off. Debug = debug is used (in most cases, must be equal to 0), (10) the procedure for each row = order of each line used car in the. ini file (11) speed Multiplier = opening factor which determines the speed of opening. Only allow floating value (0.02) (12) Switch between speed and multiplier moving part = (1 or 0) to use opening (13) Speed Max. opening angle = angle should be less than Max. angle of (where is the spoiler) (14) closes the hood the hood closes after folding = roof, without the second keystroke. (15) putting the cab Wait = wait time (in seconds) before folding roof. If the value is 0, the hood is closed immediately after opening. (16) the Rising lights = parameter is designed for rising headlights. (17) the opening rising-Rate = equal (11), rising only headlamps. (18) the headlamp flap opening angle = Max. the angle at which the light smoothly open, reaching this value, they quickly rise. (19) Switch the automatic mode (1 or 0) = allows manual mode when set to AUTOMATIC. Do not use it to quickly offered parts! (20) the braking force = negative number indicating how much braking rate exceeds the aerodynamic resistance. (21) the braking Speed = speed braking in automatic mode. (22) the door Switch is used with the ID = ' OM door. In the value (2) 2 doors are opened at once. (23) whether the vehicle plane = sets the wheel roll for an aircraft. (24) standard angle = sets the default angle. (25) pause = opens and closes the door with the specified pause. Getting the hash: 1. start the game, sit in your car and press Numpad 8. (Make sure that you have enabled NumLock) 2. the hash appears in the upper-left corner of your screen, write it down. 3. exit the game or turn it, open moveDoors.ini with Notepad and replace the number in the first row of settings for your hash. 4. save the .ini file.
Author:  Threepwood
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