Squad Control-scripting mod on .NET platform, allows you to manage a detachment of up to three people.
With the help of fashion you can guard the occupied position, to open fire on any target, the follow up to a point on the map to return to the position, the set interval. And at any time, you can treat the soldiers to kill the soldiers and give them your current weapon (which, by the way, you must use the spavne detachment).
on the NumPad: The minus-key equipment of soldiers like you. The plus-key call helicopters for evacuation (not too well!) Keyboard1-returns position of detachment Keyboard2-send an army to a point on the map Keyboard3-stay in place and protect the point. Keyboard4-open fire on any target. Keyboard5-Treat soldiers. Keyboard6-gives the current arms soldier. Keyboard7-change the interval forming unit (short) Keyboard8-change the interval forming unit (average) Keyboard9-change the interval shape detachment (long) keyboard0-kill any soldier team
Bugs: * Sometimes spavnâtsâ soldiers-morons, just ubejti them.