
Great weapons pack for GTA 4

Great weapons pack for GTA 4
Great weapons pack  miniature 1 Great weapons pack  miniature 2 Great weapons pack  miniature 3 Great weapons pack  miniature 4 Great weapons pack  miniature 5 Great weapons pack  miniature 6 Great weapons pack  miniature 7 Great weapons pack  miniature 8 Great weapons pack  miniature 9 Great weapons pack  miniature 10 Great weapons pack  miniature 11 Great weapons pack  miniature 12 Great weapons pack  miniature 13 Great weapons pack  miniature 14
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Published on 18 March 2014

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This Pack supersedes all weapons in the game at the new!
Пак включает в себя 15 mods:
  1. - Grenade replace Grenades
  2. - SMAW Mk153 Mod replace RPG
  3. - Tactical Uzi v2 replace Micro Uzi
  4. - Tactical knife v1 replace Knife
  5. - AKS-47 replace AK47
  1. - Submachine gun "MP7" replace MP5
  2. - Albert Como Jogar Com Wesker Em Gun replace Glock
  3. - AMT Hardballer Longslide Pistol replace Desert Eagle
  4. - "Intervention" Rifle replace Sniper Rifle
  5. - New baseball bat replace Bat
  6. - Automatic carbine M4A1 ACOG v2 replace M4
  7. - Sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez" replace Combat Sniper (PSG-1)
  8. - Winchester 1300 shotgun replace Pump Shotgun
  9. - Molotov cocktail "Budweiser" replace Molotovs
  10. - Sawed-off shotgun replace Shotgun
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