Hyundai Sonata Limited 2020
- Digital Dials Costumized
- Window Tint (No tint on lights and windscreen)
- Interior light (on/off)
- breakable glass (I'm working on more glass parts)
- HQ Mirror reflection
- Detailed interior
- Functional doors (custom opening angles)
- Hands on steeringwheel
- GTA 5 license plate (plate as extra)
- Dirt effect on body and wheels
Why type the entire thing in English and explain in English while the ...
by JesseRose216how long your new mod manager will be published? i am very excited and...
by KangPijitBroThe mod is not working
by zenci31Buena skin y se ve perfecto.
by Gustavoggs94is there a key to play the smoking animation ? after typing smoke ?
by Abdellah