This mod allows you to lock-unlock a car, as well as keep it persistent in the world and remote starting-stopping it. This mod also features a key less entry option that will automatically unlock the car as you try to enter it.
Usage (These keys can be changed) -Press the double quotation-apostrophe key to set your last used vehicle as your main vehicle. (Message on screen) -Press the J key to lock-unlock the car. (One honk-two honks) -Press and HOLD the K key to remote start-stop the car. (Three honks-One honk) -This mod also supports Xbox Controllers. -Press R3 to set your last used vehicle as your main one. -Press the down button on the D-PAD to lock-unlock the car. -Press and HOLD the right button on the D-PAD to remote start-stop the car.
Options The CarAlarm.ini file contains some options for you to use and are explained within the file.