
Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5

Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5
Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5 miniature 1 Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5 miniature 2 Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5 miniature 3 Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5 miniature 4 Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5 miniature 5 Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5 miniature 6 Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5 miniature 7 Advanced Vehicle Functions (AVF) 2.1 (Major Update, fixed no ini) for GTA 5 miniature 8
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Published on 13 January 2020

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Credit to Eddim for Kers and Nitro
Credit to danistheman262 for the progress bar for Nitro

2.1 or above - Only
to activate KERS, equip level 4 Engine mods and accelerate and slam on the brakes to charge, then press "E" to activate boost

To activate Nitro, equip Turbo mod on your vehicle and press NitroKey can be changed in ini, default is Shift

This mod is a well, more of a collection of mods that will add new features to vehicles, like police Flashing lights, Flashing neons, and much more
as well as improving apon some of the base game stuff, like Faster cars, which as it suggests, increases the max speed and acceleration of some vehicle classes , without editing the base games files, for this mod i plan to bring much more to it over time.
To Open the menu, open your ingame phone and call the contact advanced vehicle functions Install.

- NativeUI Latest Version
- ScriptHookV.
Author:  HKH191
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: Vone

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