
Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5

Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5
Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5 miniature 1
Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5 video 1
Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5 video 2
Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5 miniature 2 Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5 miniature 3 Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5 miniature 4 Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5 miniature 5 Los Santos Infection 1.4 for GTA 5 miniature 6
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Published on 11 February 2020

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Version 1.4 Changes:

- The minimap is back. It can be toggled off if you wish, either in the in game menu or the .ini.

- The .ini can now be set to keep whatever settings you want. When you go into the ingame menu you can change them if you wish. Options changed in the menu will not change in the .ini.

- Added Hostile pedestrians. The chances are you're going to run into a hostile one then a friendly one. Watch your back.

- Fixed a major 'hickup' i found in the Friendly Fire setting. Shouldn't slow down your machine anymore when active.

- Altered zombie behavior some. It's more of an ambient feel. They are also not allowed to dive or duck. They weren't anyway but i think it may help with those who like explosives.

Even though the script will be loaded i recommend you use the 'Insert' key anyway, for good measure. When changes are made to the .ini i recommend you clear the screen with the 'Quick Delete" option after you restart the script. If you change something and restart the script you will have to re-engage it.
Author:  Motorsport126
Author`s site:
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Moderators: Vone

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