
KAMAZ-54112 Secretariat for GTA San Andreas

KAMAZ-54112 Secretariat for GTA San Andreas
КамАЗ-РИАТ-54112 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 КамАЗ-РИАТ-54112 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 КамАЗ-РИАТ-54112 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 КамАЗ-РИАТ-54112 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 КамАЗ-РИАТ-54112 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 6 March 2013

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The èkstru includes: 1.1. front: 1.1.1. Bryzgiviki. 1.1.2. extra lights on the bonnet. 1.1.3. two labels "RUS" on a bumper. 1.1.4. new number "008 TA". 1.1.5. Spoiler above the windshield with the inscription "KINGISEPP". 1.1.6. two special beacon. 1.1.7. TIR Plate. 1.2. rear: 1.2.1. Bryzgiviki. 1.2.2. two spare wheels. 1.2.3. a new number "008 TA". 1.2.4. two stickers to remind you that distance. 2.1. new numbers "Bratva" 2.2. Groom Wedding Ribbon with a flag of Russia rasskraskoj. 2.3. two special beacon. 2.4. portrait of bride. 3.1. new numbers "t" 173.3.2. Spoiler above the windshield. 4.1. Bryzgiviki. 4.2. a special beacon. 4.3. two labels "RUS" bumper. 4.4. Spoiler above the windshield with the inscription "Barnaul" lettering on the hood 4.5. "KAMAZ" 4.6. Plate for transportation fuels. the new numbers "4.7 p 508 NT. 5.1. new CAP bonnet. 5.2. new numbers" p 100 BP. "new numbers" 6.1 VM1406MM. 6.2., rectangular headlights on the bumper. 6.3. Protivotumanye headlights to bumper. 6.4. Spoiler above the windshield.
Author:  muromec aka muromec47rus
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Tag: Trucks
Model to replace: Petrol
Make: КамАЗ
This model contains custom settings for:
  • - handling
  • - vehicles
  • - carcols
  • - carmods
  • This model supports tuning in Transfeder and other tuning houses.
  • Steering wheel in this car is on the left.
  • This is a rear wheel drive car
  • This modification contains 3 paintjobs.
  • This model contains 6 extras.

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