
GAZ 3309 tractor for GTA San Andreas

GAZ 3309 tractor for GTA San Andreas
ГАЗ 3309 седельный тягач for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 ГАЗ 3309 седельный тягач for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 ГАЗ 3309 седельный тягач for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 ГАЗ 3309 седельный тягач for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 ГАЗ 3309 седельный тягач for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 30 March 2013

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The model has 1 èkstru as a spoiler.

Gaz 3309, also known as "Lawn", is one of the most popular medium-duty trucks on the territory of the former USSR. This is not only affordable, but also high reliability. In many enterprises the GAS technique 3309 made on its chassis, successfully used for many years without requiring expensive care. Difference of GAS-3309 from model 3307 this MMW-diesel engine 117 HP power 245 Most distributed onboard truck option, the body which has flaps and allows you to mount the hood. Gaz-3309 capacity is 4 tons, and the volume of a body varies depending on modification. For example, there are versions with elongated chassis, with the increased height of the boards, etc. Modern models of GAS-3309 differ from older versions of ABS and gidrousileniâ helm. In addition, the engine meets Euro-3 in Russia at the moment.
Author:  muromec, xaker_tm, Graf-777
Author`s e-mail:,,
Tag: Trucks
Model to replace: Petrol
Make: ГАЗ
This model contains custom settings for:
  • - handling
  • - vehicles
  • - carcols
  • This model supports tuning in Transfeder and other tuning houses.
  • Steering wheel in this car is on the left.
  • This is a rear wheel drive car
  • This model contains 6 extras.

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