
ZIL-131 h AC-40 Fire for GTA San Andreas

ZIL-131 h AC-40 Fire for GTA San Andreas
ЗиЛ - 131Н АЦ-40 Пожарная for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 ЗиЛ - 131Н АЦ-40 Пожарная for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 ЗиЛ - 131Н АЦ-40 Пожарная for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 ЗиЛ - 131Н АЦ-40 Пожарная for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 ЗиЛ - 131Н АЦ-40 Пожарная for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 28 March 2017

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Author: Back in the USSR
Author: Pavel Temescal Bernaz

Briefly about fashion, there is some overlap on the original prototype Zil-133N, this cabin itself from 130-th frame and front axle from 133-th and rear-131st Zila. Intended for the military mission, but he was not put off the Assembly line, was made in a single copy in the year 1968, and here's this mod that before your eyes just redoing and coincidence with the prototype which you will see on the pictures.
Have fun, hope you enjoy this Zil)
Author:  Back in the USSR, Павел Берназ
Author`s site:
Tag: Trucks
Model to replace: Firetruck
Make: ЗиЛ
  • This model supports tuning in Transfeder and other tuning houses.
  • Steering wheel in this car is on the left.
  • This is a rear wheel drive car

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