Original author: SerbianMods Author alterations: Avant exclusively for Gamemodding!
That redone:-added 3D marker 1.8 T on trunk (trunk is damaged too)-right rear door Moldings and rear bumper now painted as the rest of the details (were just black)-added TURBO 20V-inscription on the lid of the cylinder block (as in real 1.8 T)-added simple damage for both bumpers and hood (for trunk already were)-added extras (details below)-Deleted texture rooms Serbia-added 3D rooms Russia-added frame (with ads)-added rooms at damaged front bumper and frame on the damaged trunk Extras: extra1-hood deflector, cigarettes and CD on torpedo extra2-x on your rear view mirror, CD player attached to the ceiling, between seats extra3-tail, phone on torpedo
extra4-bills on torpedo-extra5 sticker on the rear bumper Pros: model-Perfect body-Elegantly-detailed Salon (all the buttons, including the steklopodemnikov, are made correctly and are correct (i.e. all control buttons steklopodemnikami are only on the driver's door, not as is often the case, the passenger, too), all nakleechki, bulbs, all present)-Real 1.8 T Engine (attached a comparison)-Qualitative bottom-Factory alloy wheels-lajtmaska- There are some good options-there is illumination and priborki in the cabin-availability conflicts-fits perfectly into fashion on Russian themes cons:-Conflict a bit more models