
Ford Versailles GL 2 .0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas

Ford Versailles GL 2 .0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas
Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 11 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 12 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 13 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 14 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 15 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 16 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 17 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 18 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 19 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 20 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 21 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 22 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 23 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 24 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 25 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 26 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 27 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 28 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 29 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 30 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 31 Ford Versailles GL 2.0i 1992 for GTA San Andreas miniature 32
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Published on 5 November 2017

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Original author: AleFORD1 author of finalization: Avant exclusively for Gamemodding! !!!!!!!!!!!! Attention!!! If you are replacing is not Tahoma, for the proper functioning of the dashboard you need in data\vehsets.dat paste this line: 566 (566 instead must be ID machine you replaced) 1.4 1.0 1.0 0.0-1.2 0.0 0.0-1.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0!!! Attention!!! X 2 for proper display Optics (headlights) must install IVF! That was:-fixed a scale model, was too big-fixed position wheel (reduced dorozhnij clearance and wheel placed at the correct location)-Zatekstureny all nezateksturennye parts (mainly on the engine were not beautifully looked in the game) -Added damage on all parts (including the doors and windshield, use SA structure, i.e. use a texture from vehicles.txd)-fixed a bug when you ride shakes body Adapted to the AMS (steering wheel, lot places for eating (speedometer, clock, indicator fuel level, oil temperature, properly-working odometer, under the hood turns the alternator pulley, depending on engine rpm)-added texture to the alternator pulley-Fixed shadow-Fixed conflict-tyre gloss with Removed-Adapted How to play with or without ENB-fixed lights speedometer (were badly made, with edges Included Farah looked very nice)-Fixed location details (some parts were sitting out of place)-added extras (details below)-Deleted textural rooms Brazil-added purchase frame-added 3D room Russia-added to the damaged frame bumper wheels are no longer in the land of Extras: extra1-sticker "eng" with advertising on the trunk-reflectors extra2 (now open with him) extra3- worksheet on sale for rear window extra4-recorder JVC factory instead of Pluses: model-Great, high-quality body-Good, detailed Salon-a good engine Good bottom-has its own shadow-there are conflicting-adapted to IVF (crooked)-excellent fits into fashion on Russian themes cons:-Curve adjustment to IVF (failed to correct) any alteration of my refinement is strictly prohibited! P.s. After finalizing the model gained weight twice, from the original.
Author:  Avant, AleFORD1
Model to replace: Tahoma
Make: Ford
This model contains custom settings for:
  • - vehicles
  • This model supports tuning in Transfeder and other tuning houses.
  • Steering wheel in this car is on the left.
  • This is a rear wheel drive car
  • This model contains 4 extras.
This model is adapted to Improved Vehicle Features mod..
Adapted following elements:
  • - Brake lights
  • - Reversing lights
  • - Fog lights
  • - Turn signals

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