Ford LTD Crown Victoria '85
Ford LTD Crown Victoria '85
Author: Pumbars
Converted by: Chezy
SA Lights
SA Plates
SA Damage
Custom Col & Shadow
Fully tuneable in TF
4 Extras 1.& 2. Newspaper Articles in the Interior; 3. Futuristic Weapons; 4. A Green Guy in the Trunk
Thx to:
Pumbars, for the great model and the permission
piohh, for friendship, the handling and the great pictures
schaefft, for friendship and a small tip
escandero, for friendship
and everyone else I forgot.
bro he is Russian
by xLewiesuhh... I don't understand what this pack makes...
by xLewiesok not bad
by xLewiesBruh it's funny
by xLewiesYep it works but sometimes it crashes when I'm doing to use skin selec...
by xLewies