BMW M3 E30
The Author Of The Original Model-Aman Chariyev
Author Alteration-Motor
-Adaptation to fashion an active Instrument Model 3.2.1 (rotating wheel, speedometer, tachometer, Fuel level indicator, Motor temperature indicator, Wipers)
-Adaptation to fashion Improved Vehicle Features 2.0.2 (brake lights, rear lights, fog lights, turn signals, brake Caliper)
-Adaptation to fashion ENB Series
-Complete Damage
-3D Engine
-When the hold space
-New Spoiler
-New Rims
-Own Shadow
uhh... I don't understand what this pack makes...
by xLewiesok not bad
by xLewiesBruh it's funny
by xLewiesYep it works but sometimes it crashes when I'm doing to use skin selec...
by xLewiesei, então, JÁ SAIU DO BETA????ei, então, JÁ SAIU DO BETA????
by YABOIIbgb