
Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas

Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas
Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas video 1
Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas video 2
Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas video 3
Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 Amazing player Female REMASTERED for GTA San Andreas miniature 10
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Published on 16 August 2021

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Amazing player Female REMASTERED is a completely updated and relaunched version of the 2016 Amazing player Female modification.
The modification itself is a complete replacement of the main character of the GTA San Andreas game with a female character. That is, all the standard things, accessories, hairstyles, tattoos and basic motion animations were re-made and replaced.
The mod was completely rebuilt and configured.
- The main body and skeleton have been redesigned
- All models of things have been redesigned and many new models have been added
-Redrawn all textures manually
- Manually rewritten game scripts related to the clothes of the main character
- Added adaptation of the names of things not only into Russian, but also into English
-Some sounds in the gameplay have been replaced
- Animations have been redesigned
A lot of work was done, everything that could be worked out was worked out. But there are moments that could not be done well, or the decision was made to leave it as it is.
There may be bugs during the game:
-If you wear "leg warmers" in conjunction with some pants or a shoe and pants
- Gloves can fit on clothes with long sleeves
- The game crashes due to frequent changes of clothes
- The hairstyle "Loose hair" can pass through some types of outerwear
- Hats can be worn over hoods and masks
- RPG with homing does not have the appropriate animation
-Some types of tattoos do not have a name and icon
- Missing eyes or lenses of glasses in cut scenes
Clothing in the store is divided by price, prestige and unusual
Binco, Sub-uRBAN-ordinary and cheap clothing
Pro-Lapse-sports and light clothing
ZIP-combines clothes that are not expensive, and at the same time cool
Victim, Didier Sachs-expensive, unusual and prestigious clothing
The modification is designed for medium and powerful computers, so that on weak PCs, the modification may slow down the game or not work at all.
If your computer is powerful enough, it is recommended to use the MMGE2 graphical setting together with Amazing player Female REMASTERED, all screenshots are made with this setting.
Author:  DK22Pac, DshGames, Xinerki
Author`s site:

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