
BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas

BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas
BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 11 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 12 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 13 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 14 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 15 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 16 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 17 BETA CJ, main.scm, save for GTA San Andreas miniature 18
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Published on 14 February 2022

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The mod replaces CJ with CJ from the BETA version of the game.
Clothing from the BETA version:
Jeans, T-shirt, sweatshirt, boots, and bandannas from the BETA version.
-Peddler's cap - "Police" cap;
-Aviator glasses- glasses from beta;
-Brown shoes - beta shoes;
-Modified CJ's eyebrows, for cesar, highfade, cornrows hairstyles.
-Helmut - Fez
-Visor Boxing Helmet - Cap;
- White T-shirt;
- Blue jeans;
-Bandanas (in front);
-Eris T-shirt (green).
The main.scm, script.img files from the beta version have also been added.
At the start of the game, CJ will be in a blue hoodie, beige trousers, black sneakers, and with a hairstyle with pigtails.
Also added saving in the house of CJ-I, after the first mission.
Author:  crow, Kalvin, CleytonGamer, matyi_varga_
Moderators: ChrisRedfield

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