
Animation of walking on foot and in the oath from the beta version for GTA San Andreas

Animation of walking on foot and in the oath from the beta version for GTA San Andreas
Анимация ходьбы пешком и в присяде из бета-версии for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Анимация ходьбы пешком и в присяде из бета-версии for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Анимация ходьбы пешком и в присяде из бета-версии for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Анимация ходьбы пешком и в присяде из бета-версии for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Анимация ходьбы пешком и в присяде из бета-версии for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 27 September 2022

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Let's be honest, many (or rather all) the animations in the game look terrible. But strangely, some of them have a normal analogue in the game files, which, for some reason, was not used by the developers. These include parachute animation and our guest today - walking animation. In the beta version, it was more lively and natural. And this mod completely restores it and, plus, it will return the beta squat and the usual stand in place (Carl will lean slightly to the side).
Author:  xHellcat_
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Moderators: Vovan244

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