
Marijuana v2 for GTA San Andreas

Marijuana v2 for GTA San Andreas
Марихуана v2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Марихуана v2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2
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Published on 8 May 2013

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Here is the second version of the script and grooving of the rider house.
With this script vozmožnomt′ appears to grow marijuana not only for home Raidera, but also across the State.
To start growing anywhere, press and hold down: 2, C.J. begins to plant marijuana, they'll give you 1 star tracking and $ 200 will disappear.
As I promised, every time there is a new stage of growth of marijuana, i.e. every 1 h 30 minutes of playing time, your grass will grow:)
When the marijuana grow to full height it will frustrate and sell or smoke.
to assemble the clamp: 2, CJ will gather the marihuana you are given 10 bags, 10 bags and these can sell for $ 3000. (no other options). You will be given 2 stars. Sell it there, where there is a van thief (oboznačenno is the letter D).
to smoke marijuana clamp F (tearing!). CJ will start smoking and health with the possibility of him fully (100%) if it does not and 1 Star Search.

interval: when you succeed or skuriš′ marijuana plant again only after 3 hours of gaming.

Not recommended: persist when growing marijuana, just when you have collected but not sold, can lead to start the game.

In the next version:
1. is it possible to sell marijuana to passers-by.
2. If you start to grow marijuana and the CPC will be nearby, you will find 2 stars. (also in the sale, but will give 3 stars.) If there are no cops nearby give nothing.
3. If the cops or passers-by would see new marijuana, they would ruin it. (i.e. just it will disappear and you will have to plant new).
4. you can buy seeds to choose from, or 1pc, 5pcs 10pcs. (if the seed is not available, it may not be possible to plant grass.

By Sheriff_Jenea I also have jenea
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