
Police weapon system for GTA San Andreas

Police weapon system for GTA San Andreas
Система вооружения полицейских for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Система вооружения полицейских for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Система вооружения полицейских for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Система вооружения полицейских for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Система вооружения полицейских for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 13 May 2013

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I continue to create lifelike fashion! This time I decided to change the system arming the police. They constantly use the same weapon (gun). I sat there for a very long time on this modification, and finally did what I planned to do.
When one star, the cops will use a gun "Desert Eagle". Accuracy shooting average.
Two to four stars will appear and shoot Sheriffs Cj with a shotgun. Shooting accuracy is very high. From four to five stars will appear SWAT and kill Cj from the M4. Shooting accuracy is very high. And with six type stars appear and shoot the FBI sniper rifles, hiding on rooftops and firing from helicopters. Shooting accuracy is very high.
Now every police disassembly will be much harder and more realistic. Enjoy the game!
Author:  andre500
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