
Hungry Cj v3.0 final for GTA San Andreas

Hungry Cj v3.0 final for GTA San Andreas
Голодный Сиджей v 3.0 final for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Голодный Сиджей v 3.0 final for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Голодный Сиджей v 3.0 final for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Голодный Сиджей v 3.0 final for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Голодный Сиджей v 3.0 final for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 26 July 2013

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The idea came to me long ago. But then I was still a beginner skripterom and had no idea how to recreate this idea. Two days ago I spomnil about this idea and created this script!
In the new version of "hungry Cj" you can order pizza. Click to order pizza on the English "P". That was sort of like this, but here are a number of advantages before other similar scripts:
1. before ordering by phone interview with Cj Manager.
2. Courier delivers a pizza in a matter of seconds.
3. purchase process is accompanied by an animation that gives realism.
4. Cj can stumble, fall and drop the pizza.
5. you can eat an entire pizza or eat her bit by bit. If you want to eat an entire pizza, grab a pizza in hand, and then z. and if you want to enjoy the pizza longer, place the pizza on a flat surface (table, crate, etc.), go to pizza, and press z.
This is the final version of the mod. Bugs fixed in this release! This version works with other versions of this mod!
Author:  andre500
Author`s site:
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