
Animation by xXx2o1o MOD 2.0 for GTA San Andreas

Animation by xXx2o1o MOD 2.0 for GTA San Andreas
Animation MOD by xXx2o1o 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Animation MOD by xXx2o1o 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Animation MOD by xXx2o1o 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Animation MOD by xXx2o1o 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Animation MOD by xXx2o1o 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Animation MOD by xXx2o1o 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Animation MOD by xXx2o1o 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 7
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Published on 20 October 2013

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Hello world!

The first version of my Animation MOD by xXx2o1o 1.0 has received great popularity and I decided to make a second!


Fixed a bug with the release of sperm into animation FapFap.
Now the animation is completely FapFap without stopping in the middle.
+10 Animations added!
Fixed code of old animok.
The animation stops now very quickly.


Lie (space + 1)
Musturbirovat′ (space + 2)
Beat on the floor (space + 3)
Dance (space + 4)
RAP (space + 5)
Crazy (space + 6)
F * ck You (space + 7)
Tipo "Hi Guys" (space + 8)
Jibe (space + 9)
Disable any animation (space + 0)
DJ (Space + Z)
Striptease (Space + X)
Kiss player (space + C)
Scratch your Egg (Space + V)
Narcotic Dance (Space + B)
Threaten (Space + N)
This Is Sparta (Space + M)
Fly (Space +,)
Dancing Robot (Space +.)
FacePalm (Space +/)

All the old animation inside!

Works in all versions of the SA-MP.

To work correctly you need to install: Awesome.IFP Gadimas V3

Thanks testers:
NaightMar, Dima_Zver, strelok_pro, Higheteamer114, Liberty_GOD [BooS], andre500, DearPenis, HunterCavalry, Geimer17, Versetty, brainoconnorspilner Mr.
Author:  xXx2o1o
Author`s site:
This mod required:
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