
Realistic behavior of people v 2.0 for GTA San Andreas

Realistic behavior of people v 2.0 for GTA San Andreas
Реалистичное поведение людей v 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Реалистичное поведение людей v 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Реалистичное поведение людей v 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Реалистичное поведение людей v 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Реалистичное поведение людей v 2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 24 November 2013

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Once upon a time, summer day 2012 year I sat, and the protracted creative crisis until now, thought what mod do. And then I came up with this idea after a well appreciated my fashion "behaviour as in GTA 4" make like a mod, but I quickly abandoned the case. Then I helped with the development of some Nikol Qwert scripts, but since I am not at home, I was unable to use his script, as well as do normal promo fotograffiû. And so, now about fashion:
This mod gives:
1) Old grannies on a walking stick, hramaâ, walking around the city. If its something to frighten off, they will abandon his cane, as well as all the other pedestrians.
2) as in the fashion of "human behaviour as in GTA 4", this mod makes some passerby package with products from the store.
3) from now on, women will not idle walk the streets! Now they are with women's handbags! Women, excluding eagerly ask and some Beach girls will walk out with bags on his shoulder. It look very beautiful and elegant.
4) and on the beaches now are new clothes, because all people in kupatel′nyh and beach robes will walk with towels on your shoulder!
Author:  Alexey1999
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