
Renewal of the amusement park v2 for GTA San Andreas

Renewal of the amusement park v2 for GTA San Andreas
Оживление парка развлечений v2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Оживление парка развлечений v2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Оживление парка развлечений v2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Оживление парка развлечений v2 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 8 December 2014

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Here is the final version of the script, the revival of the amusement park! Let's see what has been added!
-I saw that many wanted to Ferris wheel spun, but I tried all the forces resorted to the rejoicing of colleagues (izerli), but unfortunately it didn't work! Instead, I added a lift, which takes you straight into the upper cabin of the Ferris wheel, but due to strong wind flow you can from there sdust′ or throw up in the booth as you gaze out over the ocean.
-By popular demand I made "the arrow" kids in the Park (fight 3 on 3 and one girl looks), hurry up to see it all.
-I came to the park with beautiful palm trees (well, someone like ...)
-Now you can eat 1 stall and not at all! In order to have a stand on the red marker near stall.
-Added another 2 models of children! Written by children thanks (the author does not remember ...)
-Fixed all the bugs!
Author:  Cj_You
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