
GTA 5 Submersible (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas

GTA 5 Submersible (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas
GTA 5 Подводный Аппарат (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
GTA 5 Подводный Аппарат (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas video 1
GTA 5 Подводный Аппарат (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 GTA 5 Подводный Аппарат (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 GTA 5 Подводный Аппарат (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 GTA 5 Подводный Аппарат (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 GTA 5 Подводный Аппарат (Submarine) for GTA San Andreas miniature 6
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Published on 15 January 2015

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Greetings to all! Here is the script that extends the capabilities of gta sa. Now you can dive on the Sub from the GTA V and explore San Andreas in an entirely new way. Moreover, you can get out of it, and swim in the scuba-gear with fins, great swimming.

If you want to upload this script, use the original preview of fashion, and specify all authors!

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Features fashion:
1-you can get out of the submarine at a depth and swim, it stays working regardless of distance
2-when you exit the submarine CJ dress aqualung, not suffocating, swims faster using flippers
3-No markers. CJ enters the submarine as any other transport
4-underwater vehicle is independent and you can safely swim away in underwater caves
5-simple and easy management, custom .ini
6-2 language tips, language is configured in the INI FILE
7-when you exit the apparatus, he pops up and does not sink
8-remove and wear scuba gear after sailing in a submarine can be anywhere

Perhaps something forgotten. You can download and watch yourself;)

Where to find the submarine:
Around the San Andreas as the Jetmax. However, I did an additional spavn unit next to a ladder in the water near the LS. (Go from there in the video)

Gon_Iss-the script
SergeDV-envelope submarines of GTA V, idea, support for the development of
alexprof, Ice-ManStudio-aqualung (original link)

Would also like to thank SergeDV, advanced without him had it not been for this mod, and also he was a tester.
Author:  SergeDV, Gon_Iss
Author`s site:
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