
Truck boxes for GTA San Andreas

Truck boxes for GTA San Andreas
Погрузчик ящиков for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Погрузчик ящиков for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Погрузчик ящиков for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 30 January 2015

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Hello world! I continue to make modifications, and today I want to present you a new job "loader boxes", the idea for which I steered the sensible man SergeDV. If you suddenly become bored, go to the sea port of Los Santos and stretch out on a new job. All you'll do is drive Forklift overload the boxes from a warehouse in treler. At a time can be anywhere from five to eight boxes. For that you would pay money-amount depends on the number of boxes and how quickly you dip them. The time that you will be given also depends on the number of boxes. Timer settings I, as always, made in a text file.
Game lyrics, as always, have been translated into 3 languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English.
How to play: 0. Open the map and look for the port Los Santos icon in the form of the van. Going to the place.
1. in a warehouse you'll find red sphere become to it. After the Eclipse screen machine Forklift, sit down in it.
2. to start the job, there will be boxes. The machine will come later.
Author:  Yurko_UA
Author`s site:
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