
Razvozčik flowers in San Fierro for GTA San Andreas

Razvozčik flowers in San Fierro for GTA San Andreas
Развозчик цветов в Сан-Фиерро for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Развозчик цветов в Сан-Фиерро for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Развозчик цветов в Сан-Фиерро for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Развозчик цветов в Сан-Фиерро for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 30 January 2015

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I present to you a new job "Razvozčik flowers": you'll be able to work at a new job and deliver flowers to customers in San Fierro on a Faggio scooter. Can be from one to three clients all over town (just over 200 locations in the city), you will get paid for it (depending on distance between customers and store). Time will also be given to this principle, but I do not know what you skorostrely there, so as always made the timer settings to a text file.
How to play:
0. are you looking for in San Fierro "?" icon. Come back (or come, fly, priplyvaete, pripolzaete, teleportiruetes′). See there red sphere, get up into it.
1. after the Eclipse screen near you will be motoroler, take a Faggio. You immediately see clients, from one to three. Go to them. 2. Both came to the client stand up with motorolera, get up close to the person who is designated a blue marker, CHOOSE from the list of weapons of the FLOWERS (they'll give you in the beginning), and click the dot button G (Cyrillic p), and Carl will give flowers to the client.
3. Go to the next customer. If this was the last, chase the shop on money and work on.
Author:  Yurko_UA
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