
Parked vehicles v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas

Parked vehicles v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas
Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 Припаркованный транспорт v3.0 Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 10
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Published on 8 April 2015

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Parked Vehicles v 3.0-Final.

The third and final version of the script "parked vehicles". Script rewritten to ... from the ground up.
+ Added car Cabbie, (in the screenshots the Cabbie is a Gazelle); On military bases, tanks, planes and helicopters, jeeps, trucks; Just added transport from 4 points below.

What's new?:
1. More transport at all sites (+ many variants of arrangement of transport).
2. Military vehicles at military bases (+ helicopters and planes).
3. in addition to the buses, the taxis and the railway stations are parked and the airports.
4. At the military base in the desert, you can find the FBI cars, Armored Jeeps and Miara s. w. a. T (< те,="" что="" были="" в="" миссиях="" игры,="" но="" так="" не="" встречаются),="" +="" 2="" "белаза"="" в="">

In the screenshots all police cars are black, you will have a basic color scheme (black and white).
Author:  Алекс Мерсер
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