
GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas

GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas
GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 GMTrainSpawner for GTA San Andreas miniature 9
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Published on 27 July 2015

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Never had the desire to drive a train on tram tracks in the city? With this script you will be able to manage three types of trains in San Fierro. Or maybe it was the desire to turn the train before the eyes of passers-by?
Beware of Rails can go under the wheels, if you develop a good speed.

The script was developed by me for a very long time and was intended to create screenshots of trains, but this script as it turns out there is another application.
To exit the train, press F and you find yourself at a railway station of San Fierro.

When you press the buttons 1, 2, 3 you teleportiruetes′ to train and become the driver of the train.
The trains will be 3 types, respectively, each type has its own key.

A successful game.
Author:  smalloff
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