
Cranks and strangers for GTA San Andreas

Cranks and strangers for GTA San Andreas
Чудаки и незнакомцы for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Чудаки и незнакомцы for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Чудаки и незнакомцы for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Чудаки и незнакомцы for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 9 February 2016

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CLEO script for GTA San Andreas that adds to the game network mini-missions (assignments) from bystanders. This feature is present in many games from Rockstar Games, and I decided to move it to the GTA San Andreas, where it is absent.

I. Description:

Order is a great way to earn starting capital at the beginning of the game, or to supplement nynešniij. Every job is unique, all tasks vary in complexity and the amount of money that you receive by following the order successfully.

To get a job, find in any crowd of people someone needs assistance. It will be marked with a special marker (red or blue).

Varies between two types of people who give quests:

* Cranks-marked by a red sign. Their jobs after Chur mad and sometimes make no sense in an execution. But after all they pay is not bad money, why not help?
* Strangers-they will not ask you to do crazy things. But they pay less. Are indicated by a blue marker.

Over time, the player can only perform one task. The following will be available through game 6 hours.

Note: the stability of the script is guaranteed only on version of CLEO 4.
Author:  andre500
Author`s site:
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