130 animation for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. You can customize the animations are configured using the ini file. Animation see all players SAMPA. Edit the ini file, 0 is off, 1 is enable. [ANIM SETTING] is the name of the configuration. framedelta = 4.0-customize animations and skins. loopA = 1-Configuring an endless animation. lockX = 0-(recommend not to touch) Locky = 0-(recommend not to touch) lockF = 0-animation will follow skeen. time = 0-play animations with holding the keys.
Office: P + 1-0 O + 1-0 I + 1-0 U + 0-1 (L) + 1-0 K + 1-0 J + 1-0 H + 1-0 M + 1-0 (B) + 1-0 X + 1-0 Z + 1-0 /+ 1-0