Hello world. to introduce to your attention a CLEO script where you need to go through the crowd that terrorists would kill the main bomber nicknamed "the BUTCHER", he is in the Office building in the South to find no offense, it has only 1000 CPS, but the bullets he immortal so whatever you need him to kill the flamethrower or grenades, the rest of his guards terrorists have 15000 CPS, I shoot them in the head just so you can quickly kill them, the goal is to pass through the crowd and kill the terrorists, it's not as easy as it seems, the script is specifically designed for multiplayer version 0 .3B, that you could go through this together as though the mission, but only if your friend too install this modification, in single-player version of the game not online is stable, there is one bug If the bot runs any player or you're on auto then the game will crash, the next version of bug fix and add lots of extras only this first version to your critique and testing the CLEO script, download, use, enjoy, rate, comment) as well as enjoyable game
Author: angel999
Author`s e-mail: kosinskiy1994@mail.ru
Author`s site: vk.com/yras_kosinski