
Rob casinos Caligula for GTA San Andreas

Rob casinos Caligula for GTA San Andreas
Грабить казино Калигула for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Грабить казино Калигула for GTA San Andreas video 1
Грабить казино Калигула for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Грабить казино Калигула for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Грабить казино Калигула for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Грабить казино Калигула for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Грабить казино Калигула for GTA San Andreas miniature 6
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Published on 26 September 2017

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Description: this script is a simplified version of the mission Breaking the Bank at Caligulas, adds a new opportunity to earn big money by stealing from store casinos out of missions. Robbery can be done once per game 11th, 2 days and from there you can bail out immediately from 1 up to 5 million dollars. Some of the features: added improved protection of the Casino. Guards armed with machine guns wearing bulletproof vests, SMG, accuracy when shooting over 90 percent each, two of the security guards reported to the police about any attempts at robbery or attack them. The guards could not immediately suspect you of robbery, but that's only if you're wearing a uniform dealer or a police officer. Secure the door to the store, you can only open one way-blow it (just like in mission). The guards react to some of the player's actions replicas. For example, if you enter the premises for personnel not wearing appropriate uniforms.
Author:  McSim2401
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