
The smuggling of weapons from GTA V for GTA San Andreas

The smuggling of weapons from GTA V for GTA San Andreas
Контрабанда оружия из GTA V for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Контрабанда оружия из GTA V for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Контрабанда оружия из GTA V for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Контрабанда оружия из GTA V for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Контрабанда оружия из GTA V for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Контрабанда оружия из GTA V for GTA San Andreas miniature 6
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Published on 12 September 2018

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I represent to your attention the mission, ported to GTA San Andreas - the smuggling of weapons! The author tried to make it as similar as possible to the original, although the main difference is the lack of plot, so the job falls completely random.
Firm located on a disused airfield. First, you will need to buy the firm for 150.000 $ (as a normal building, so there is not camera on anything not fixed at the time of purchase). Then you will be able to perform land-based smuggling buggy and air "Rustler" unique red color (as we remember, in GTA V the plane was also only red), however, you still will need to alternate them - you cannot run two smuggling of the same type in a row. Each type of mission there are 3 version of the mission and the location of the objectives is chosen completely randomly (although in a land-based smuggling options quite a bit). Don't forget, the buggy can't go on the road, because you might be interested in the police.
Land smuggling:
Option 1:
1 minute 40 seconds you have to get to the point of discharge and pick up cargo (to drive through it or pass to get out of the buggy you can, but not too far ahead). Competitors if there are, then only 1 unit - two in Yosemite. By the way, while you pursue to accomplish the mission impossible (we need to break away or kill them).
Option 2:
Timer no. This time the competitors know where the cargo, and you will need to intercept it at them from under his nose. The chance that they'll take it sooner quite high. In this case they will hunt in my point of retreat, where they were waiting for the helicopter and one on foot smuggler (this is in GTA V). At any cost, kill the driver of a pickup truck and take the cargo. On the way back you can catch another truck.
Option 3:
Timer no. But after you pick up the cargo, you can link right up to 4 pickups, plus one foot. The problem is that the buggy is pretty fragile and badly jumps on the slopes, so it will be very hot.
Upon completion you will have to wait for $ 5,000, and one of the six weapons.
Air smuggling:
Option 1:
Features 4 cargo (if you will spend to serve all customers, the mission will fail). 2 customers expect across the desert. You need to fly up to a large red sphere and make sure the load by pressing the tone (i.e. the throwing of the cargo) were in this area. It is better to descend as low as possible. The problem is that will serve the Area 69 with your missiles.
As serve all, go back and plant the plane.
Let me remind you that sometimes you cannot rise above a certain height due to the police radar (as in GTA V; is reminiscent of the mission N. O. E.).
Option 2:
All the same, only customers 3, not 2.
Option 3:
This time you need to destroy their customers (unlike a dirty-Golden color of the signal smoke in the other tasks, these smoke red) by dropping bombs on them. Bombs you have 6 enemies - 4. During the throwing of the bomb, the camera time will focus on her. In this mission, a height restriction is always in effect.
Upon completion you will have to wait for 7000 $. Plus possible bonus for compliance with the optional conditions: during the (up to six timer settings), plus a bonus for accuracy (to get the first time in all points), plus a bonus for height (never to rise above the maximum allowable height). All of these give bonuses 125 $ each (i.e. 375 $ with perfect performance).
Author:  TrushinVlad
Author`s site:
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