
Minecraft 1.0 for GTA San Andreas

Minecraft 1.0 for GTA San Andreas
Minecraft 1.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Minecraft 1.0 for GTA San Andreas video 1
Minecraft 1.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Minecraft 1.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Minecraft 1.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Minecraft 1.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 11 March 2019

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Everyone who played GTA SA and Minecraft, dreamed of fashion!!! He adds the ability to build in GTA SA like in Minecraft, you can build anything, from bridges and obstacles and finishing buildings and castles!!! Also when building you hear the sounds, they match the blocks. At your disposal there are 17 blocks, here is the list:

1) Land with grass (with grass Earth)
2) Wood door (Wood door)
3) Glass (Grass)
4) Bricks (Bricks)
5) Stone bricks (Stone bricks)
6) The Sand (Sand)
7) Diamond block (Diamond block)
8) Birch (Brich)
9) White wool (White wool)
10) Iron (Iron block)
11) Cobblestone (Cobblestone)
12) Oak (Oak)
13) Foliage (Foliage)
14) Earth (Earth)
15) emerald block (Emerald block)
16) Gold block (Gold block)
17) Snow block (Snow block)


To start building:

1) Stand on the right place
2) Enter cheat "MIN"
3) Select from the list the desired unit and click on it Shift
4) Step away from the initial construction
5) Type the cheat "GO"
6) Build on the health (Buttons written below)
7) is Finished typing the cheat "END"


Block management:

I - Building up
J - Building to the left
L - Construction to the right
K - construction down
T - construction ahead
Y - back construction

Z - to Move left
X - to Move right
B - moving forward
M - Move backward
G - Move up
H - Move down

Control doors:

Moving doors the same as blocks, but to build a lot of doors, but for you to turn.

O - Turn myself
P - Turn on itself

Just to say that I don'T play Minecraft! Mod created only because of the interesting construction!
Author:  Alexey1999
This mod required:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl

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