
System robberies v5.0 for GTA San Andreas

System robberies v5.0 for GTA San Andreas
Система ограблений v5.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Система ограблений v5.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Система ограблений v5.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 11 March 2019

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In honor of the upcoming three-year period from the beginning of project development, I decided to release a version that was supposed to come out in August 2015, but for many reasons the work was never completed, and I'm retired from modding.

I finally have the time and desire to bring the project to fruition. This is the final version and maybe my last release. Any patches and updates will be downloaded automatically if in the settings modification will be enabled auto-update.

A system of robbery - the CLEO script that adds the ability to RAID various businesses (shops, eateries, etc.) with the aim of properly enriched. You can become an ordinary burglar, bringing terror to the local entrepreneurs. Or try yourself in the role of thief and to steal from during the collector car full of millions of dollars. Or maybe You prefer small robberies like legs to crack the ATM and out of there all that cash?

The fifth edition provides extensive customization, where You can customize things to your taste. Make it easy, like shopping for groceries, or so hordovym that held it will be in the same breath.

The process of the robbery, too, should make You happy, because now not enough to simply aim to get the coveted money. Some sellers got a shotgun. Now you need to be careful and to take something more powerful to shoot the tower that will bring You sight. But if You are lucky and under the counter will not be weapons for self-defense, the difficulties do not end there! Some bastard tripped the alarm and cops already got the message about the robbery. Well, now You have to act boldly! Yell and insult the seller by following the prompts on the screen. This bitch thinks that the cops will not allow You to make the business successful. Prove the opposite! Bring the scale of fear the seller up to the maximum to get all the money from the cash register and his pockets. Watch the timer - the cops are breathing down your back.

With respect to care is its complexity You set during customization.

Start planning a robbery in the places where traditional mission of thief. Enough to raise in that place a pick-up in the form of a bag with money. In contrast to the traditional mission of a thief to start the robbery at any time of the day.

Changes compared to v4.0:

* A complete change of the process of customization of a robbery. Now more convenient.
* Return of the classic robbery alone, therefore removed the mercenaries and quest mission.
* A complete change of the process of the robbery (details will be described below).
* Masks again became optional. In training mode they can try on and take off.
* The work of the thief now works correctly.
* Fixed a bug in the small of the thief (burglar), leading to the inability to crack an ATM in Las Venturas.
* Fixed all crashes from version 4.0.

Added to version 5.0:

* Ability to choose the difficulty of the robbery.
* The scale of fear of the seller and the timer before the cops show up.
* The probability of failure of the robbery if the seller has a shotgun.
* Now to get the money from the robbery, you must yell at the seller, thereby scaring him. For this you need to rhythmically press the key combination Y spacebar.
* Cache is now not random and entirely dependent on how much You will scare the seller.
* Also cache depends on the level of solutions adopted: the higher the level, the more money You get, the more cops will chase You.


* Patches can now be downloaded without leaving the game. You can both accept and refuse the update if it will be available for download.
* Added bag that appears in front of the player in the process of a robbery.
Author:  andre500
This mod required:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl

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