
Realistic firing mode v2.0 for GTA San Andreas

Realistic firing mode v2.0 for GTA San Andreas
Реалистичный режим стрельбы v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Реалистичный режим стрельбы v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Реалистичный режим стрельбы v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 1 April 2019

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Did you notice that sniper rifles in GTA SA is always fixed sight?
This script will add a bit of realism in the mode of firing of the sniper.
Now the camera in the aiming mode will be slightly wiggle, which would complicate
shooting. If the aiming on the sniper rifle, press the Shift key, CJ will hold their breath and the sight will be fixed, until the air.
You can now adjust the strength of the jiggle in the file SniperMOD.ini in the CLEO folder. Changing the number in the line "camera_shake", you change the force stagger the camera in the aiming mode. Do not put more than 15, otherwise the camera will swing too much.
You can change the button holding the breath, changing the number keys in the row "key". Initially, there is the number 16.
Author:  старик
This mod required:
Moderators: Vone, smalloff

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