
Waves of Surival (Anywhere) San Andreas Edition for GTA San Andreas

Waves of Surival (Anywhere) San Andreas Edition for GTA San Andreas
Waves of Surival (Anywhere) San Andreas Edition for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Waves of Surival (Anywhere) San Andreas Edition for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Waves of Surival (Anywhere) San Andreas Edition for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Waves of Surival (Anywhere) San Andreas Edition for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Waves of Surival (Anywhere) San Andreas Edition for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 6 December 2019

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Make sure you have professiol level, gather alot the weapons and large health without it you can easily die from multiple shots such as desert eagles, shotgun, etc.
limit adjuster asi makes it's very stable for ai intellengce in case it's 15+ actor + traffic. without it, it might crash for small wars.

To activate it, type the cheat "Surival" or "GTAV"
To exit mission type "giveup" or "exit"

There's is some cheats for allies to help you assist.
To activate any allies, go to the difficulty level. type the cheat while highlighting any levels and then press space and your ally pops up besides.

big = Big Smoke twice the health, he's carries combat shotgun he doesn't follow you
da = Male Waitress has a shotgun, average health.
du = Garvy Du with AK47, can be really good at shooting, average health.
hook = Jogger with MP5, she's hot and helps you in combat
bb = Big Bear with the minigun, he has alot of health as like a brute
boxer = Boxer will fight people
kara = Karate student will fight people
fam = Fatman from grove street gang has fire extinguisher, he can stun them that be the avantenage for you to kill the enemies with powerful weapons, however he's immune to bullets so don't worry but he have to watch out for FIRES!!!
pimp = Pimp wield triple barrel sawnoff, he's pretty much good accuracy
me = yourself/clone CJ/AI CJ, it's weird you can't big health like AI CJ, he can survive way more than you.
gta3 = GTA3 Claude he looks more better than you!
love = Denise Robinson CJ girlfriend, she have duel wield smgs, she kill enemies better than you!
pro = Helena CJ girlfriend, she also have duel wield smgs better than Denise she kill enemies better than you!
cop = Barbara, she have duel wield pistols, she's a super cops! You know XD.
hoe = a smoking hoe, she's a sniper god, perfect aiming right? I'll see it LOL!
clerk = The clerk can use HEATSEEK toward targets.
mech = Mech dude have a flamethrower, he can't BURN HIMSELF, SERIOUSLY!!!

additional cheats (if you type it in, the message pop up and return back to difficulty can you type it again! ;Execpt blind cheat)
blind = start waves with no markers
letup = start with the minigun with 2000 rounds
swat = Start of the waves of SWATs
brain = Start of the waves of hillbilly as zombies (they don't carry any weapons)
disco = Start of the waves of Elvis
cj = Start of the waves of clone CJs
crime = enable wanted levels in waves
traffic = enable traffic in waves

In waves cheats
noreset = wave will no longer reset after you died
Author:  skatefilter5
This mod required:
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