
GTA V Style Diving Final for GTA San Andreas

GTA V Style Diving Final for GTA San Andreas
GTA V Style Diving Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
GTA V Style Diving Final for GTA San Andreas video 1
GTA V Style Diving Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 GTA V Style Diving Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 GTA V Style Diving Final for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 11 February 2020

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No dive on the ground anymore. Beta version has divebthe ground.
It does not require jumping.(fixed)
When you are above water, You will dive.
After you climb a railing(for example santa maria beach) you will dive.
cleomodoar edited new animations, because dam_jump animation is special for Dam and Blast mission.
Dam_Launch = Dive_Launch (cleomodlar cut before diving, In rockstar animation, Before Cj's diving, He is opening his arms. cleomodlar made direct diving animation.)
Dam_Land = Dive_Land water (In rockstar animation Cj was diving very deeply. It caused trouble in low water levels.I combined with Para_Land_Water animation.)
You can dive any high distances.
If you are too low or on the ground and the water level is low, you cannot dive.
If you accidentally fall into the ground while diving into the water, your health will decrease. Maybe you might die.
Low water level, if you fall to the ground, diving will fail.
If your current weapon is parachute, You cannot diving. Even if you started dive, you use parachute.
If you died, diving will stop.
If you above a boat, you can't dive.(fixed)
Even if you jump.
If your current weapon is parachute, you can't dive.
Author:  CleoModlar
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Moderators: Vone

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