
GTA Invasion v3.0 for GTA San Andreas

GTA Invasion v3.0 for GTA San Andreas
GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 11 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 12 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 13 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 14 GTA Invasion V3.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 15
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Published on 20 August 2016

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Old fashion, but I decided to make a new version for several reasons.
1. I have been asked to postpone the MOD from CLEO in Maine.
2. There are ideas for new missions.
3. There are several ideas for innovations, especially voicing monsters.

Description of fashion

As a result of the mysterious experiment State of San Andreas has merged with some other world. The atmosphere was dark, the sky strange gray and now roam the streets of alien monsters and enemy soldiers. Besides them and military rarely meet people, they all hide from danger in homes and shelters.

The protagonist is Jim is a soldier who works for Mike Toreno. Together they fight against the aliens, and later joined by other characters. Together they intend to release the San Andreas from invaders and close the portal that led the aliens in this world.

Most of the characters in this story, in addition to Toreno, are not kanonnymi the characters of GTA. But in one mission will be a cameo of two all the familiar characters.


In fashion around 30 missions. Many were already in previous versions of fashion and are related to the main storyline. New missions take place anywhere, but you can get bonuses for them, and some may turn the plot completely the other way and lead to another final.

Feature of new missions is their variability. You will have a choice as to pass them whose side to take, kill the enemy or stealthily pass by him. In one mission, Jim will be able to change into a stranger and infiltrate into the camp of the enemy. And here everything depends on your choice-whether you obey the orders of aliens or betray them. Tips, how to apply, will not, you decide whether to follow the instructions of the aliens or kill themselves. If your allies die, the mission will not be missed, but this will have an impact on further developments. When you do this, you need to be careful-the aliens do not forgive errors, and if you do something wrong, they want to get rid of you. Your actions can lead to four new finals, good or bad-see for yourself.

To perform the Mission of aliens, you should be dressed stranger. As I said, Jim pulls him in one mission. Remove and refit it can be in the House on an abandoned takeoff Strip. If you do not want to perform the Mission of aliens and want to return to Toreno, you need to remove the suit. In addition, when you are in costume, earthly soldiers will try to kill you, but the aliens will take over.

Special attention deserves a stealth mission. You will need to kill 8 aliens so as not to raise a ruckus. I tried to implement this idea as possible. You can only use a knife or a gun with a silencer. If you shoot from another weapon, you will hear immediately. If you notice one stranger, he will announce the alarm, and learn all about you. If someone finds a corpse, enemies will be declared anxiety. So try to choose such places for murders, where the body will not be able to detect.

But to pass this mission for stelsu is optional. You can openly go against enemies, but after alert soon to come help, and enemies will be twice more.

In addition to performing the missions you can clean the area from the monsters. In many small towns (including ghost town) or in any places you can meet a group of monsters. If you get close to them, they will appear on the radar of the red squares. If you kill all the monsters, the territory will be cleared. For cleansing multiple territories you will receive bonuses. However, when searching you need to take into account that in some places the monsters do not appear since the beginning of the game, and somewhere after 3-4 missions. Two missions are designed to help you discover places of a congestion of monsters. If you perish in these missions, they will not be available again, but monsters can be found in the same place.

In the primary storyline after returning to a military base, you will need to release some Territories (if you haven't done so already) to become available next mission. But this is not required-instead, you can take a few additional missions with a trip to Los Santos.


For cleansing the territories:
For 5 territories is a weapon will not be selected after the death.
Over 9 territories-have your allies in missions will be much more health.
For the 12 Territories-will increase your level of health.

During the mission "release Angel Pine":
Will open the possibility of giving weapons to your allies in missions. To do this, you need to aim in the ally and click "Yes" (default to Y).

For completing other missions you can get weapons, or there will be new pickups preservation, health and weapons.

And yet there are some Easter eggs and secrets.


Recommend use to fashion CLEO 4.1 because version above work erratically.

The text is written in fashion for rusifikatora SanLTD.
Author:  dim1988, Lost_Forever, Zeb89, Innocent, kuirp
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