Pulp Fiction: Butch Coolidge is an adaptation of the movie by Quentin Tarantino-pulp fiction. This project shows an alternate version of prehistory Kullidzha Marsellasom with Butch dating Wallace.
Butch Kullidzh-professional Boxer. After one of the battles, Kullidzhem becomes a local crime boss Marcellus Wallace. Learnt a boxer huge potential, Wallace suggests Butch work as bouncers. Experiencing the difficult financial situation of Butch, yielding to the temptation of easy earnings, agrees. And deal with problems to be paired with Dzhulsom Uinnfildom is one of the surest EXEs Marsellasa Wallace.
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Note that the authors of these missions: BaSTeR, Santal and Cyb3rMotion, not I! Under my authorship only cover and screenshots. Before downloading, I advise you to watch the movie of the same name, to immerse themselves in the story. Enjoyable game.