
History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas

History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas
History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas video 1
History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas video 2
History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas video 3
History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas video 4
History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas video 5
History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 History in the outback: Reboot for GTA San Andreas miniature 7
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Published on 25 January 2023

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History in the outback is a collection of missions for GTA Criminal Russia with a comic plot parodying the original missions from GTA San Andreas and GTA 4, with familiar characters.
According to the plot, the main character returns from the resort to his native provincial town in Russia. However, everything is not going according to plan and the main character gets into a big mess, from which he will have to get out.
Total number of missions in the project: 24
Plot points: 14
Additional: 8
Random passers-by missions: 2
In order for the text in the missions to be displayed correctly, it is recommended to use a Russian-language font for DYOM.
Author:  Dark Petytch
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Moderators: Vone

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