So, I submit to you my HUD "Convenient and easy, which is suitable for almost every detail. In it you will find:
-New font;
-New location for the interface;
-New radar as well as icons (a on map);
-New color HP and money;
-New stars and their color.
Font authors: philipss, anri
Author (s): radar VeteR
The author of the object layout and HUD'a: Vanek1999
Thank you: DJ CJ-he taught me to do this kind of modification, told what's what, philipss & anri-for gorgeous font, VeteR-the combination of two radars, which turned out to be quite a creative little thing.
Bugs are found, there will be multiple versions in several colors and different fonts.
Bugs, please write in the comments to Vogue, the next version will fix.
Author: ANRI, Vanek1999, VeteR, philipss
Author`s e-mail:
Author`s site: