
Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas

Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas
Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 11 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 12 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 13 Area 51 Near-Complete Retexture for GTA San Andreas miniature 14
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Published on 12 November 2015

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This is the biggest area 51 retexture available for GTA San Andreas. With the incorporation of a minority of SRT3 texture's (fencing/signing/turrets/watchtower and 1 building texture), the rest of the A51 area is original. Nearly all of area 51's textures are 1024x1024, with main objects coming in at 2048x2048. Sand has not been modded in this version to enable easy compatibility for the majority of users (sand textures are in multiple locations meaning if I were modded the sand for area 51 it would only be within a small area, which is just around area 51). If wanting your area 51 to be modded with sand you already have installed in your GTA feel free to send me the sand textures for it to be installed for you.

-There is an upside down door on a building at ground level, this is a GTA problem not an issue with the replaced textures.

Few annoying things:
-behind the red radar black needs to be placed as the texture is increased in brightness when the game is started, so any other texture is way too bright in the premiss.
-cant get HQ water textures to move in the drainage area.
-one textures get stretched so much (roofing near the radar area - a room only seen trough the window - unaccessible) it degrades the entire area.
-Wooden casing housing a missile near the entrance of the A51 underground has very dark backings and isn't fixable.

Am looking to retexture this pack with a better watchtower/handrail textures to make the atmosphere more neutral.
Author:  Scott Breakell
Author`s e-mail:
Tag: Textures
Moderators: smalloff

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