
Winter ENBSeries 4.1 for the weak PC for GTA San Andreas

Winter ENBSeries 4.1 for the weak PC for GTA San Andreas
Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 Зимний ENBSeries 4.1 для слабых PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 9
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Published on 6 October 2016

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Just yesterday I was published under the editorship of ENB'a winter Setup 4.0, however, it was designed solely to medium and powerful computers, so play with it normally could only owners of medium-sized computers. On this occasion I decided to edit it so that she was even on graphics cards 128-256 megabytes.
From the ChangeLog:
* Bump effect was removed, i.e. bump mapping the Earth's surface;
* Edited Bloom'a effect so that winter textures will look quite natural;
* Was slightly adjusted effect SSAO. To enable \ disable Shift-F10;
* Edited DoF'a effect;
* A little Timecyc was edited, making car lighting at night became a little lighten up;
* Little was changed, it is now night Colormode became a little darker than Chu, but in moderation.
Oh, and further that it was:
* Removed original shade, because they ate the resources card. The author of this plugin-The ASI Hero;
* Added realistic water, which does not eats FPS. The author of this fashion-Ktn;
* Fixed bug with sharp disconnection of ENBSeries'a when using Jetpack'a;
* Fashion present realistic night;
* Mod completely adapted to SA-MP and weak PC!
Author:  Makar_S
Tag: ENB
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