
Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas

Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas
Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas video 1
Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 Alfa Graphics for Low PC for GTA San Andreas miniature 11
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Published on 21 August 2017

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Author of ENB settings: Balach
Authors of some effects: DIMEN, Angeas
Author of ENB Series: Boris Voronsov
This ENB Settings made for PC with LOW Specs
- This ENB was tested by many people and its looked different on different PCs
- Didn't working on Windows 8/10
- For Turning On / Off use Shift + F12 keys combination
- Game brightness should be setted at the lowest level on Game Settings
ENB Features:
- Based on ENB 0.306 (one dll file)
- Pretty color spectrum
- New timecyc
- Nice and Soft Shadows
- Adjusted Water Settings
- Qualitative Bloom Settings (with turning on may be a litte FPS lost)
- Added DoF Settings (1-3 FPS Lost)
- Added exdisp.asi и flickr.asi plugins
- PerPixelLighting(cleo) included

Known bugs and issues:

- Reflections on cars are too specular (impossible to fix)
- On some PCs maybe causes bugs with performance - FPS shows 30-35, but in the game only 5-7 FPS
- When installing the SaGFX 0.3 option, some cars will be completely white, since they don't support the modification itself
- When setting the SaGFX 0.3 option, Don't turn on DoF, since it does not work correctly with GFX itself
Terms of using and distribution:
1. Ths modification is exclusive for this web-pages about Grand Theft Auto:

2. Uploading on other web-sites is ALLOWED. For properly uploading car modification you just need to make this simple five steps:

- inform the author of the ENB setts about your intention to put modification on other site;
- provide a link to the original archive with mod (or a link to the author's homepage);
- writhe correctly the author(s) of the modification;

3. Prohibited without the author's permission using the model in global mods.
4. Prohibited using model parts on the third-party projects.
5. Prohibited using a modification for commercial purposes.

Special Thanks:
- Alfa Modding Studio
- Boris Vorontsov - for ENB Series
- Hanan-SRB - for testing, advices
- Mad Driver - for English translation of ReadMe file, testing, advices
- Angeas - for SaGFX settings, advices
- JesusVHS - for testing, advices, screenshots
- DIMEN - for helping with ENB Settings, testing, advices and video-review
- D.Alekseevich - for testing, advices, screenshots
- And all others who helps me and wathing for this project
Author:  Boris Voronsov, DIMEN, Balach
Author`s e-mail:
Author`s site:,,
Tag: ENB
This mod required:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl, nakitalotus

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