
HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas

HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas
HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 7 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 8 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 9 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 10 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 11 HD SA-MP life ENB v2.0 for GTA San Andreas miniature 12
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Published on 22 August 2017

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The second version of the game for PC. medium ENB Features:-full performance and absence of bugs in SA-MP and MTA! -Full playability! -The destruction of Mars every night! -Quality and beautiful reflections on auto. Effect HDR (Darkening dark plots and bright lightening). -High-quality water shader. -Dynamic lighting Effects. -My IMFX (Sun). -Day and night are balanced for comfortable game. -Minimum consumption of FPS in the highest quality pictures. -Removed superfluous effects decreasing productivity and cutting the eye. -Picture smooth and pleasing. -Private Assembly Particle.txd. (effects, clouds, etc.) -No bugs with white or flickering textures in multiplayer. -No bugs with dimming when using nitrous oxide. -No problems with dark patches. -One version for both single player and multiplayer. The Sun does not interfere with the review. What's new:-setting adapted to the British series Vehicle.txd SA-MP Edition. -Added quality shadows. -Redesigned reflection. -Carefully and rationally reelected Timecycle (weather and the color of the sky). -Changed the colours more sun and summer. -Changed the color correction. -Changed the color palette. -Fix bug with missing textures. -Added slight blur distant objects. -Reconfigured effect block shading. -Reconfigured the lighting. -Rebuilt and changed Particle.txd. -Configured brightness. Management: Shift + Backspace-Activating fashion in the game. It is important! The first clamp must Shift! If you make a mistake and be activated only shadows and reflections, then press Backspace again + Shift. SHIFT + E-customize graphics for themselves in the game. To turn off the blur in the charts menu uncheck the effect of Depth of field. Num8-On/Off. FPS rate. The ENB were used such other authors as fashion: SAMP Graphic Restore Timecyc beta v2.0, Memory512, Sa New lighting Corona Limit, Exdisp, Improved Lamppost Lights v3, Sa Shadows (edited), Noisefix, Sun. When publishing to a foreign sites specify authorship! Enjoyable game! Author: RRuslan1999 settings.
Author:  RRuslan1999
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Tag: ENB

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