
PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas

PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas
PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas video 1
PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas miniature 6 PureRender V1.0 (RenderHook Preset) for GTA San Andreas miniature 7
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Published on 21 November 2018

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This is a modified version of the mod RenderHook.
Mod adds totally new graphics in San Andreas, similar to GTA 5.
Installation (have a little dance with a tambourine):
After you have installed the mod, open the dxgi.ini, which is located in the root folder.
There we see two lines:
Actually in these lines after "=" write the path for folders.
How it should look eventually:
EffectSearchPaths=D:\(path to your game)\reshade-shaders\Shaders.
TextureSearchPaths=D:\(path to your game)\reshade-shaders\Textures.
If your game is on the disk, then write instead of "D" "C".
In "render.ini" is specified in the same way, but in the line "PresetFiles=".
What happens in the end:
PresetFiles=D:\(the path to your GTA)\render.ini.
In the game hold the Shift F2 and on the top right, near the empty line, press the arrow down and there has chosen the same render.ini you prescribed in the file. Without it, Rashad will not work and you will have image like on the screenshots.
Author:  PetkaGTA, YUK1
Author`s site:
Tag: ENB
This mod required:
Moderators: Vone, ChrisRedfield

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