
Cold ENB for GTA San Andreas

Cold ENB for GTA San Andreas
Cold ENB for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Cold ENB for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Cold ENB for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Cold ENB for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 21 March 2019

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Cold, dark, cloudy sky is constantly grey and nondescript streets, coupled with depression, hopelessness and suicidal thoughts. And all this waiting for the sunlight...

I think that this state is familiar, maybe not all of you, but at least the majority, I'm sure he encountered. Few to whom it will appeal, but damn, in this "dullness", "nitronote" and "cold" there is something captivating and even thrilling.

The main goal of this graphical modification is maybe the unperfect, but still the transmission of this condition. Happened to me or not, you decide. Thank you.


High — quality, several "mirror" reflections on the cars. Thanks to them, coupled with a properly-chosen view, you may have a truly great screenshot.
— White, white-gray sky, which somehow perfectly captures the grey atmosphere of the city.
— Customized effect "SSAO" that adds a nice darkening around the objects surrounding the player and the player, we can say that this is some sort of Normal Map ω (off. Shift F10).
— Shader water, coupled with the right kind of texture to "Particle.txd".
Personally, I have finely tuned "Colormode", which adds the atmosphere of "grayness" in the overall picture.
— Disabled standard shadows.

Now, thanks to the authors whose ASI plugins/CLEO scripts perfectly complement the ENB:

- Boris Vorontsov — Creator of "ENBSeries".
- Silent — "SILENTPATCH V1.1 BUILD 29".
- Absolute Team Play — "SAMP GRAPHIC RESTORE".
- Philips27, The Hero — "NO SHADOWS".
- MrMADRYAN — "GFXHack".
- Ryosuke — "Colormode".
- DK22Pac — "Black Road Fix ASI".
- NickITOS — "disable the effects of heat."
- Sergey81 — "Increased drawing machines and pedov".


* This mod for the full game, suitable only for powerful PCs, on the weak just for screenshoting.

* Enabled by default (off /on. Shift F12).

* Works in SA-MP.

* Brightness in the graphics settings it is necessary to return to the default values.

* On Windows 7 (and other OS too) install compatible with WIndows 98 / Windows Me and check the item "Run as Administrator". This is necessary to avoid problems with "GFXHack" (if when you start the game you have out the window, close it, the game will start. However, in order to restore the operation of this ASI plugin, reconnect to the game, errors to occur should not. You need it to work correctly chrome plated parts transport).

* Reflections are tuned specifically for the new models. On standard they are almost invisible.

* Depth of field done in the program "Adobe Photoshop", in the setting of the blur is not exclusively for your comfort.

* Additionally something to adjust under itself, you can in the settings file "enbseries.ini", which is located in the game folder.

* Required gta_sa.exe 1.0 US and CLEO 4.3.22.
Author:  Makar Smotrakov
Author`s site:
Tag: ENB
This mod required:
Moderators: Vone, lk_1997_kl

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