
GTA IV Atmosphere Graphics (SA:MP) for GTA San Andreas

GTA IV Atmosphere Graphics (SA:MP) for GTA San Andreas
GTA IV Atmosphere Graphics (SA:MP) for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 GTA IV Atmosphere Graphics (SA:MP) for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 GTA IV Atmosphere Graphics (SA:MP) for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 GTA IV Atmosphere Graphics (SA:MP) for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 13 June 2019

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This graphical modification, or to be more precise, Colormode will give your game a more sombre, "cold" color. And this will help him constantly a white, cloudy sky. By the way, this modification will go on any PC and will work in SA:MP.

* The gloomy, gray colors;
* Quality adjusted "Timecyc.dat" to complement the atmosphere (the sky color);
* Added my file "Particle.txd", which contains high quality textures of water, blood, light from headlights and other textures.
* Added ASI plugin "SilentPatch" (v1.1 Build 29) to avoid bugs with the lighting. Author: Silent;
* Added ASI plugin "SAMP Graphic Restore" to avoid possible problems in SA:MP. Author: Absolute Team Play;
* Added ASI plugin "ModdedSAA", through which a new heaven will work in SA:MP. Author: DarkP1xel;
* Added ASI plugin "NoShadows" to disable the standard shade. Authors: Philips27, The Hero;
* Added ASI plugin "Fix Black Roads" fixing "black" surface texture in the distance at low graphics settings. Author: DK22Pac;
* Added ASI plugin "GFXHack" (correct operation of many particles);
* Added a CLEO script "disable the Effects of Heat." Author: NickITOS.

To work you need the CLEO library 4.3.22.

I would also like to thank all the authors of those ASI plugins/CLEO-scripts that were involved here.

Special thanks to ASI-plugin "Colormode" — Ryosuke (aka Ryosuke839).
The author of the settings of the texture to "Particle.txd" and "Timecyc.dat" — Makar Smotrakov.
Author:  Ryosuke (aka Ryosuke839), Makar Smotrakov
Author`s site:
This mod required:
Moderators: lk_1997_kl

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